Monday, March 12, 2012

I Don't want to wash my hair!!!

I know that not washing your hair sounds BEYOND gross....But you must hair is to my bum and washing it, drying it and Styling it is an almost 2 hour ordeal. And I don't get 2 hours free from N a day...she is an adorably high maintenance toddler ;)

I DO wash my hair usually every other day...BUT in the mean time there is this....

I found something I <3 <3 <3 LOVE a dry shampoo that doesn't cost $ the price of my first born.   Batiste Blush!

Also the smaller size  (which is what I tried first):  Small Bottle of Batiste
Amazon has it for .89 plus shipping.

The large bottle was aprox. $9 shipped and it smells SOOO good that I spray it in my hair even after I have washed it.  Not only that BUT when I spray it after I wash gives my hair a little more oomph.   

Ok, I just had to share my new favorite item :D

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